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Company Formation Czech Republic



Open a Transporting and Storage Company in Czech Republic

Updated on Monday 27th August 2018

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Open-a-Transporting-and-Storage-Company-in-Czech-Republic.jpgA transporting and storage company registered in Czech Republic can provide a wide range of services to clients such as natural persons and legal entities. Investors who want to open a company in Czech Republic that offers transporting and storage services may deliver various goods and products via land routes, railroad transport, air and sea traffic and it may also provide warehousing services. Our team of specialists in company formation in Czech Republic can assist foreign investors with advice on the registration regulations available for this type of business. 

Transportation/storage services of goods in Czech Republic 

The transportation and storage of goods delivered in Czech Republic has to comply with a set of standards, which depend on the types of products that are being delivered to a certain destination as well as on the volume/weight of such products. Some of the most common services are the following: 
  • freight transport – it can refer to any type of goods, packaged, loose, goods that need to be transported at a certain temperature;
  • transportation of oversized loads, bulk goods or sensitive goods, in accordance with European standards in the field;
  • warehousing servicescompanies may store products in specially designed locations and they may also offer labelling and packaging services;
  • custom clearance – as the company can transport certain products to other countries, it can also handle the procedures related to custom clearance

Regulations for the transport of goods in Czech Republic  

When performing transportation activities on the country’s national roads, it is necessary to know that certain types of activities are prohibited during specific times of the year. Our team of consultants in company registration in Czech Republic can offer advice on the legislation on this matter. 
However, it is important to know that the legislation prescribes several exemptions – for example, for the transportation of perishable goods or the transportation of livestock or in the case of postal cargo. Investors must also be aware that the vehicles have to respect several regulations related to their size and our team of consultants in company formation in Czech Republic can offer further information. 

Meet us in Brno

Call us at +420 721 565 868 to set up an appointment with our specialists in company formation in Brno. Alternatively you can incorporate your company without traveling to Czech Republic.

As an CorpexLab client, you will benefit from the joint expertize of local experts and international consultants. Together we will be able to offer you the specialized help you require for your business start-up in Czech Republic.

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