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+420 721 565 868
Company Formation Czech Republic




Updated on Friday 03rd March 2023

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Cristian DarieI have had a very good collaboration with the specialists in company registration from CzechCompanyIncorporation.com. They answered to my requests rapidly and they managed to open a company in just a few days after I had sent all the required documents for my clients. I will choose their services also for my future clients and I will let other people know about their expertise in this field.

Attorney at Law Cristian Darie
Darie, Manea & Associates (rolegal.com)

Mihai CucStarting a company in the Czech Republic can be difficult since it involves such complex procedures. The team from CzechCompanyIncorporation.com is very qualified and benefits from extensive expertise in this area. I would definitely recommend them to any entrepreneur decided to start his own business here.
Attorney at Law Mihai Cuc
MHC Law Firm (romanianlawoffice.com)
jakub-chajdas-lawyer.jpgThe team of specialists working at CzechCompanyIncorporation.com can offer information on the investment legislation available here and can provide step-to-step assistance on the registration of a local business, regardless of the economic sector that is of interest for the investors. 
Jakub Chajdas,
Attorney-at-law at CGO Legal Counseling (lawyerspoland.eu)
marcela-manea-lawyer.jpgI highly recommend foreign businessmen to contact the team of CzechCompanyIncorporation.com when starting a local company, as they can benefit from full assistance on the registration steps, the tax procedures they have to follow, or the accounting requirements that must be met by local businesses.
Marcela Manea,
Attorney at Darie, Manea & Associates (rolegal.com)
Vlad CucWhen investing in a foreign country, it is best to request professional assistance from persons with an in-depth experience in the field of company formation. Those starting a business in the Czech Republic are advised to request information on any matter from the team of CzechCompanyIncorporation.com. The local team can assist all foreign businessmen, regardless of the business field in which they want to invest.
Vlad Cuc,
Director of Bridgewest (bridgewest.eu)

Meet us in Brno

Call us at +420 721 565 868 to set up an appointment with our specialists in company formation in Brno. Alternatively you can incorporate your company without traveling to Czech Republic.

As an CorpexLab client, you will benefit from the joint expertize of local experts and international consultants. Together we will be able to offer you the specialized help you require for your business start-up in Czech Republic.

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